Saturday, October 17, 2009

How to delete all contacts from an Android phone?

When we started developing a cross-platform 'Contacts Sync' app, we found that in Android there is no way to do it straight. I was quite skeptical that a feature like that was not available :-)

Anyway, we wrote an app, intuitively called "Delete All Contacts" :P and started using it. The code is pretty trivial (if you can see a couple of posts earlier "Contacts in Android")

However, we added some jazz (like our logo) and a feature to delete contacts with a particular name / pattern. (My Beceem friends would fondly remember the set of commands I created in a debug tool called swin that let us read / write variables with a particular pattern in the name)

To download this app, just right-click here and save the android package. Then use 'Apps Installer' or adb to install the program.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Google does not have Search

Yes, Google does not have have Search.

At least, I did not find one in Android Market place. How much ever I squinted my eyes and searched, I couldn't find a single button that said search in that website. I do agree that the number of apps in Android is limited - But, that doesn't mean you shouldn't give a search button!

I had to scroll over all the items that were listed, and I still couldn't find what I wanted - However, we are able to locate the app when we search using our HTC Hero Android phone.

Thumbs down, Google!